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A grasp of our destinations

Below you find an overview of the most popular destinations among our customers! We also offer trips and activities to other parts of Peru. We can help you with booking of national flights, bus tickets, and personalized transport, for a part of your trip of your entire stay in Peru. Get in touch for your tailor-made trip.

Magic South of Peru

+ Amazon forest

Lima, Arequipa, Titicaca Lake,

Cusco, Machu Picchu, Iquitos.

Magic South of Peru

(Active Holiday - Inca trail)

Lima, Arequipa, Cusco - Inca trail, Caral.

Magic South of Peru

(visit to Machu Picchu by train)

Lima, Paracas, Nasca, Huacachina, Arequipa, Cusco – Machu Picchu, Puno - Titicaca Lake.

Discover Thematic Trips

La Douce Peru

Av. Javier Prado Oeste N. 757, Office 902, Magdalena del Mar, Lima, Peru

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